Our Social Media Services

We provide an extensive array of digital services, encompassing tailored social media packages, customized digital marketing strategies, social media marketing solutions, and comprehensive social media analysis and reporting.

Social Media Packages

We provide fixed-rate social media packages that can be customized to meet the specific needs of our customers, with the flexibility to adjust the price accordingly.

Social Media Starter Package

Our Social Media Starter Package features professionally crafted social media pages designed for large-scale marketing and effective customer conversion. Presenting an attractive social media presence enhances the professional image and credibility of businesses. This package is particularly recommended for new businesses lacking extensive social media presence and expertise in the field.


Fixed flexi rate

Our Social Media Starter Package Includes:

1. A Professionally Made, And Customer- Personalized Instagram Page

2. A Professionally Made, And Customer- Personalized TikTok Page

3. A Professionally Made, And Customer- Personalized Facebook Page

4. 1 High Quality Post On Each Platform

5. A Competitor Analysis Report With Future Content/Post Advice

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Instagram Page Includes:

  1. A Business- Profile Instagram Account
  2. A Professionally Copy-Written Bio
  3. Instagram Highlights Including Terms And Conditions, Customer Testimonials, ect
  4. Website Link Or Customized Link Tree

TikTok Page Includes:

  1. A Professionally Looking Profile, Optimized For Converting Interest into Sales
  2. A Professionally Tailored Copy- Written Bio
  3. A Link to Business Instagram Page

Shopify Account/ Store includes:

  1. 1 Month Free Shopify Subscription
  2. An Easy-To-Customize Shopify Website Template
  3. Fantail Marketing's Personal Shopify Website Building Manual/ Tutorial Document

Facebook Page Includes:

  1. A Fully Customized Facebook Page Optimized For Running Advertisements
  2. A Facebook/Meta Page That Is Linked With Instagram
  3. Copy- Written Facebook Bio, And "About Me" Page.

*If you don't require every service included in our starter package, we can adjust prices accordingly. Simply reach out to us via our contact page to discuss your specific needs.

Add-On Packages

Growth/ Follower Package - $10

We charge $10 Per Thousand Followers on TikTok And Instagram. More Followers Can Make Your Social Media Pages Look More Professional. We Also Offer Growth And Bot Engagement Packages- Contact Us To Find Out More

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Business Email Subscription - $10/mo

Business Email Address Subscription Includes:

  1. 1 Business Email Address
  2. 10 GB Of Email Storage
  3. Inbuilt Calendar
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Social Media Marketing Strategies

Our three-step process delivers specialized and expertly crafted marketing plans tailored to your needs.

Step 1: Goal Setting

We organize discovery workshops designed to assist you in identifying your specific social media marketing goals.

Step 2: Devise Marketing Plan

We assist you in choosing the most effective social media marketing strategies and actions, tailored to your objectives/ goals.

Step 3: Measures Of Success

We aid in defining specific measures of success to direct the execution of your tailored social media marketing strategy.

Price - $60

Flexi rate

We develop a personalized social media marketing plan tailored to your objectives, outlining strategies to achieve them and metrics to measure success. Our strategy report integrates insights from industry analytics, including data from similar businesses' social media profiles and your own. Based on this analysis, we offer customized marketing approaches. Additionally, we provide recommendations on the best platforms to utilize, specific to your target market and business field. Leveraging AI technology, we ensure optimal results, delivering a marketing plan and strategy that are effective. We specialize in developing organic social media marketing plans that are both cost-effective and highly impactful, in addition to being free, unlike paid advertisements and marketing.

Social Media Analysis

We utilise AI to analyse both your competitors' and your social media presence, identifying effective strategies for driving engagement and directing traffic to your website. Our comprehensive report, derived from this analysis, includes statistics, graphs, and insights on the most favorable times to post content and optimal hashtags for maximizing engagement. Reach out for a quote to learn more about our service and how we leverage AI to enhance your social media engagement.

An Example Of Our Analysis:

Social Media Marketing

We provide two types of social media marketing: organic and paid advertisements across platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. Each package includes a comprehensive marketing strategy and competitor analysis report to ensure optimal results and clear metrics of success. This service is offered at a fixed rate of $80, with customized quotes tailored to your specific social media marketing requirements.

Organic Social Media Marketing

Discover the power of authentic engagement with our organic social media marketing services. We specialize in creating tailored strategies that resonate with your audience, driving organic reach and meaningful interactions. Let us help you elevate your brand's online presence and unlock new opportunities for growth. With considerable experience in organic social media marketing, we are highly confident in our strategies and their execution.

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Paid Social Media Advertisement

Our team's in-depth knowledge of social media marketing allows us to tailor strategies specifically for the unique needs of New Zealand businesses. We are committed to delivering results-driven campaigns that not only increase sales but also enhance brand visibility and engagement. Let us partner with you to unlock the full potential of your business in the digital realm. Explore our paid social media advertising campaigns tailored for Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and more. Request a free quote or schedule a Zoom call to learn more about our services.

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